Richard, Rand and I Head Out

Dear Uncle George,

I don't have time to mess around.  I gotta pack.

I am leaving today for the Mini Mission back East.  I am off for a few weeks tour to follow your photographs of Kirtland Ohio, Palmyra New York, Sharon Vermont, Colesville New York, and whatever else I have marked in Richard's coffee table book.

I have spent three days pouring over the giant Rand McNally map I got for $6.78 at the Wal-Mart to guide my way.  A map that last year some KMart employee told me was no longer in existence and it was (and I quote) "too old-school for anyone to need."

Another in a long list of reasons I am sure that KMart is going under.  Not enough Rand McNally maps.

Sure I have a GPS.  In the car.  On my IPOD.  On my new smart phone that I am not smart enough to use.

But there is something about paper.  And my yellow highlighter showing me the way.

The map shows me where the ghost town in Ohio is and the cascading falls just outside of Terre Haute, Indiana.  It showed me that I will be 23 miles from Gettysburg at one point.  Who knew?  Rand McNally that's who.

There will be a lot of paper in the car with Richard's book and Rand's map.  I hope there is no tension like the hissing I just heard up in the kitchen between two of the cats.  Why can't we all just get along?

While there are many, many reasons to be excited to finally head out (I have been thinking about this for almost two years), I have to say there is one reason that stands out beyond ALL the rest:

Mr. Fun has to do school registration with The Boy.

He has never done it.  He has never attended.  He has not stood in the line out to the parking lot in 95* weather.  He has not waiting for something only to figure out he is in the wrong line.

The thought of not having to do it this year is so delicious to me that I relish it even MORE than high-end truffles from some first world chocolatier.

I received a blessing and it said that I was on the Lord's errand.  That since I am actually serving as a missionary on a mission that I would have the extra safeguards that missionaries have.  It also has repeatedly said that I need to basically be smart.  I know what that means.  No crazy ledge-leaning.  No late-night shots in dangerous places.  No unnecessary risks.

One thing I plan to do is take my photograph with a sign whenever I stop at interesting places.  You know, like Lima, Ohio where Glee is staged.  The Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Museum outside of Cleveland.  The Viking Tower in Rhode Island, which by the way, did you know that RI is only 37 miles wide.  And holy hannah, what is UP with Delaware?!

Wish us luck-- Richard, Rand and I.  More than that, please guide me to take the photographs you took, capturing the true feeling of their locations and the Spirit they have.



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