I am too tired to make up some witty title

Dear Uncle George:

My mission is SOOOOOOO hard that I have given myself several P days in a row to get recovered.  :)

My buddy, Carol, flew in to see the Palmyra area with me and we have been over in Buffalo to see some fun sites.  Which mainly included spraying water.


I have actually had some wonderful, delicious experiences this week. I have posted some of them on the Facebook, and well, since I am so spent from my recreating I mean my working, I will repost them here.

Well, I wouldn't say this post was wonderful...but entertaining anyway.

There is this fella from yesterday:

This man was in line behind me at the snack shop. I asked him about his beard...how long did it take to grow it? His whole life. Why does he grow it? Because it reminds him of his blessings from God. Can I have your picture? Of course. Can I touch your beard? Yep.

And when I saw him again, he had the biggest smile and I waved at him. We "got" each other.

This will rank up there in my moments with shaking the hands with a survivor of the Hanoi Hotel, a Holocaust survivor, a Medal of Honor winner and a Nepalese Sherpa who has climbed Mt Everest...twice...without oxygen.

And in an unrelated event:

True story:
Last night, in my hotel in New York, I got a shocking call from an 83 year old man named David. We haven't connected in over 11 years. He said it took that many years to find me after we left Utah but God's spirit told him to keep looking, especially strongly these last couple months. 

I thought he had already passed away. Imagine my surprise.

The amazing piece of this whole story is the photographs I am recreating of George Edward Anderson....George is David's grandfather. When I told David of the photo mission I was retracing, David was SO happy that he was literally without words. His family had no idea that I was doing this and we can only shake our heads and marvel at the true nature there is a God. He really does have even the tiniest details of our paths in play if we will but just trust in His promptings and go and do.

The end. Have a super great day! Love Sister Valsy

And because I am sure my new bestie, Sister Roberts is reading this sometime soon, I HAVE to give a big slobbery shout out to her.  Cutest. Girl. Ever.

And the best outing of all:

Carol leaves in the morning and I have two more days in Palmyra before I head off to Sharon Vermont.  
Sister Valsy


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