My Wife Traveled, Spent All Our Money, and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt

Dear Uncle George,

To date, I have taken over 6,000 photographs in 18 days.

Mind you, I am not complaining.  I know you shot negative glass plates and I read in Richard's black book that it all ended up weighing about 3,000 tons or some craziness like that.  I don't even think the Mini Cooper weighs that much.

And I can drive the Mini.

I am in Sharon, Vermont this morning...which by the way, is perfectly foggy. Oh no.  My stay in Sharon may have just gotten a day longer.

This is my last and final day of shooting your mission.  Which is pretty unbelievable.  I have been thinking about this mission for almost two years and I have felt so many emotions regarding it.

I have felt disbelief I felt like I should do it.  I felt disbelief I would do it.  I felt excited to see all the sites.  I felt guilty for leaving my family for so long, especially for The Boy.  I felt guilty that people are making a big deal about because it makes me feel like I am somehow coming across as arrogant or prideful.  When I work so hard, consciously, to be as humble as I can.  I felt guilty about the money it was going to cost to stay in hotels for three weeks or just the money in general.  I felt guilty about the TWO new, very expensive lens for the quality I wanted....and feel I need.  Add the cost of the Mini into the equation (a surprise gift from my husband), we are talking about some money.

These are some pretty expensive photographs when you break it down.  Which I won't share that number is embarrassing.

This would have NEVER happened with the full-blown, amazing, outstanding support of my husband, Mr. Fun.

The cutest Anderson I have always said.

He has never said a single word but "ok" when I tell him what I am thinking.  Most husbands wouldn't say "ok" to the phrases "Uh, yeah, I think I am going to drive thousands of miles--ALONE (hello, epileptic)....spend all the money serving my feelings...leave our disabled child for you in your 60 hour work weeks to manage his seven school classes on-line...with two tutors coming in at 3:00...."

You get what I am saying.

I guess when it gets all boiled down, it boils down (speaking of boiling, I have learned the New England real maple sugar is really, really sweet),  both of us feel like I am following the Holy Ghost and that I was "asked" by my gut to do it.

And my cute husband feels it, too.

As my token of my appreciation, I have tried to look with my eyes what he would enjoying looking at with his eyes if he were with me:

He likes rocks

He likes the temple

He likes history

He likes cactus

He likes things that remind him of France

He likes beauty

He likes the Cradle of Restoration

He likes greenish-blue rivers

So Uncle, this is my dedication to my main man, Matty.

Mr.Fun, I love you. I love how you are so not like me.  You are the best.

By the way, my gut feels like I should do the trip west next summer.  Start saving your pennies.

By the way, I don't have any money to buy you a t-shirt. :)

Sister Val


  1. You have wonderful ideas!!!

    You DO have a great husband!!!

    You take wonderful pictures!!

    Should I wire you some money?????



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