Welcome to Zion

Written by Uncle George:  April 23, 1907
Woke up in Bison, Kansas at 4 am.  A farmer says the stone fence posts cost about $.15 each.  Windmills.  Notice the wheat is about 3 to 4 inches high.  The train brought me into to Kansas City at almost dark.  I reached the mission headquarters after 10:00 pm, 302 South Pleasant Street, Independence.  I am thankful to get out of the the noise, bustle, dust and smoke of Kansas City.  A wash and foot bath;  I felt refreshed.  A poor colored man asked me to allow him to carry my equipment.  I told him I was not going any farther.  Was hungry and wished a nickel, which I gave him.

Val: April 23, 2013
Like your mission, my mission will actually be broken up over a year span.  Like I always say, "It isn't my fault."  Just like finding myself an owner of 5 cats, sometimes things just get off my organized, detailed track.

Last year, this very day (May 6th) we were dedicating the new KC temple.  Since there is much work involved with hosting 75,000 folks and getting geared up for a prophet of GOD to stop by (hello, let's do a little cleaning shall we), some things have to be rearranged, calendar-wise.
Mr Fun gets his traffic man on

Dedication Day May 6, 2012

Don't be alarmed that I am grabbing Seth.  
I have a history of doing that....you should ask about Chitzen Itza

I still went to Independence on the days you were there, it is just that happened a year ago.  No worries, Uncle, because I took notes!

It actually works out because I couldn't get to Palmyra last summer on August 13th anyway.  I was with my girl and Carol, and we were en route to the Star Wars Convention.  

For a fellow who has not heard of Star Wars, which by the way, I met some folks from Sweden a few years back who also had no clue what Star Wars was (there no excuse for this--they are from this century!).  As it sounds, there was a war in the stars.  :)  Just to help you visualize the movie, I am including a photo for you:

The man in black is super scary, has some kind of respiratory challenges and sired a whiny boy that is still pouting about not getting to go into to town to buy some power converters.  First world problems, Luke.

So my April 23rd, 2012 looked like this:
Laundry.  Edited some photos (of who knows what), gave three haircuts, did some housework, and it was sunny and clear.  I try to sleep in each morning as long as I can, but in spring and summer months is usually no later than 6:30 am.  I did not get the 4 am gene.

The highlight of the evening was taking Mrs. Fun, the yellow mini (but of course) down to Union Station, where you hopped off your train.  It was a pretty night.  We were escorted by Aubrey's big, studly boyfriend, Jon, who naturally we had to strap on the roof of the mini because he is just too darn big to ride inside.  We needed an escort since the city is dangerous at night, alone by a big park with some Occupy Wallstreeters nearby and he was game enough to do it.

I think we will kick off our photo adventure with a little black and white.  I want to ease you into to color.  And as you might have heard, black and white really captures the moment (see Sixteen Candles).  


Now, cutting you some slack since you had been up since 4 am, I am not going to fault you for not hauling your butt and your gear up the neighboring hill to the south to check out the city in color.  


The good news is that unlike when you were shooting and to be mindful of the cost of negatives, paper, etc...we have a full-fledge photographic free-for-all in our day and age.  It is called digital.  And it makes EVERYONE feel like they are a photographer, especially those of us who have taken a class at the public library in Edgerton.  While you had some fun photos on your trip I am sure, I have decided to add in my own flavor.  Hey!  My blog.  My rules.

When you use digital, you can take as many stupid pictures as you want!

One last note.  I liked your sentence about giving a nickel to a hungry man (we don't say "colored" in this day and age--it is considered rude).  

I, too, have given nickels here in Kansas City to those who hunger as well.  I have see much suffering of others in my day, around this world, and we should talk about it some time.  My point is good on ya.  :)



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